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Dating Software Features

Our new dating software version 12 is packed with all the features you need to run a successful online dating business.

Our customers have over 25 Million members and growing!


Key Features

Fully Responsive

The dating software is fully responsive and will adjust to any screen including desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones as well as Android/iOS mobile dating apps.

Live Video Chat

Now users can chat one on one with live video chat via their computer or smartphone. No 3rd party software required.

Custom Profiles

Create custom profile questions including text box questions, text field questions, drop down questions and multiple checkbox questions all designed to allow you to create a custom profile questionnaire.

Addon Modules

Addon Modules include Get Verified, Custom Quizzes, Compatibility Matches, Reputation Management, Social Media Logins, Custom Registration and 5800 Starter Profiles.

Key Dating Software Features

Additional Key Features

Key Dating Software Features Two
Custom Menus

The dating software includes three custom menu areas that you can customize for your own experience. You can also add FontAwesome icons to your menus to enhance the look of the menu.

Reputation and Branding Tools

The dating software includes Reputation Management Tools which is a free reputation and brand management tool built in and designed to allow you to gather and showcase customer reviews on your site.

Compatibility Quizzes

New custom compatibility quizzes allow you to create custom quizzes that include percent of match when viewing other members based on the custom quizzes.

Get Verified

This optional addon allows you to verify your members. Members can upload proof of identity and proof of residence to confirm who they are. Once confirmed a blue checkmark is placed on their profile verifying who they are.

Coming Soon!

Fully Native Apps in the App Store

Want your app live on the app store? Stay tuned! Contact us if you want more information!

Artificial Intelligence Features
  • ID Facial Recognition for Additional User Verification.
  • Help keep your users safe with Chat Safety AI.
  • Make user onboarding a breeze with Onboarding AI.
  • Help your users get better matches over time with self-improving Machine Learning-powered matching. 
  • And much more. Contact us and we will send you more information. 
Anti-Ghosting and Anti-Catfishing Features

Create custom profile questions including text box questions, text field questions, drop down questions and multiple checkbox questions all designed to allow you to create a custom profile questionnaire.

Full List Of Features And Functions

iDateMedia dating software powers some of the largest niche market dating sites including, and others.

Below are a few screenshots of the user area and a few screenshots of the admin area. To get a full view of the dating software be sure to check out the full dating demo as well as View the Benefits of creating a dating site.

Member Features

  • Live Video Chat
  • Get Verified
  • Compatibility Quizzes
  • Compatibility Matches
  • Register Tooltip
  • Source Code Provided
  • Member Site Reviews
  • Member Transaction Reviews
  • Scammer Protection
  • Review Invitations
  • Responsive Web Design (All devices)
  • Tag Clouds
  • Encoded Video (YouTube style)
  • Configurable time zone / date format
  • Now with a social networking component like Facebook
  • Facebook style Groups
  • Internal Forums
  • Internal Blogs
  • Unlimited Degrees of Separation (Social Network Feature)
  • Invite Friends; Auto added to friend list when they register
  • Powerful Redefined Search
  • My Ideal Match
  • New Banner Rotation System with Admin Tool
  • Level of Compatibility
  • Search Listing by Gallery or Listing
  • Advanced Search with Retractable Menus
  • Quick Search with Thumb View
  • Secure Internal Email
  • Member Blocking/Unblocking
  • Public/Private Blog System
  • Ability to Create unlimited Galleries
  • Events Calendar
  • Encounters (Who has seen me)
  • Who Is Interested In Me (Who has Hotlisted me)
  • My Interests
  • My Matches
  • Rate My Profile
  • Member Payments Tool
  • Turn Profile On/Off (Stealth/Invisible mode)
  • Who’s Online (With Sorting Order)
  • Extensive Profile Upload
  • Hotlist/Friend List
  • Multiple Photo Upload
  • Audio Profile Upload
  • Video Profile Upload
  • Ability to Save Last Search Criteria
  • Match Mail Search
  • Member Control Panel
  • Dynamic Event Notifications
  • Profile Edit Tools
  • Upgrade Options
  • Flirts
  • Tip a Friend
  • And much more…

Some of the Admin Features

  • Custom Quizzes Admin
  • Custom Tooltip Admin
  • Forum Admin
  • Reputation Management Admin
  • Spam Control settings
  • Scammer Protection
  • Internal / External Mail Blaster (with mail queue)
  • Approve Blog Tool
  • Set Trial Period (days) for Males, Females or Both
  • Database Backup
  • Banner Admin Tool
  • Database Optimization
  • Groups Admin
  • Pricing Configuration
  • News & Stories HTML Editor
  • Manage Modules
  • Editable Email Templates (HTML)
  • Static Page Content Editor (HTML)
  • Definable Flirt Messages
  • Inactive Members Management
  • Manage Geographic Locations
  • Completely redesigned Admin Control Panel
  • Approve Profiles
  • Auto Approve Profiles
  • Member Payments Module
  • Paypal Payment Processor Included
  • 2Checkout Integration
  • ccBill Payment Processor Included
  • AuthorizeNet Payment Processor Included
  • Match Report
  • Demographic Report Module
  • Newsletter Opt Outs
  • Video Profile Configuration Page
  • Audio Profile Configuration Page
  • Monthly Payments Reports
  • Language Module
  • Add Event Module
  • Approve Events Module
  • Approve Reviews Module
  • Premium Features Admin Module
  • Option Admin Module (for changing all drop downs)
  • Date / Time formatting
  • Member Admin Module (for members maintenance)
  • Browse Members Module
  • Parameters Module
  • Email Extractor (export email addresses)
  • Approve Affiliates Module

Affiliate Member Features

  • Now included in all Dating Software Products
  • Redesigned Affiliate Tools
  • Payment Management System
  • Code Retrieval
  • Account Summary Status
  • Transaction Reports

Affiliate Admin Features

  • Affiliate Member Admin Tools
  • Application Approval/Rejection System
  • Affiliate Banner Management System
  • Affiliate Performance Tools
  • Affiliate Payment Tools

Reputation Management Features

  • SEO Optimized Reviews Page
  • Text Reviews
  • Video Reviews
  • Review Invitations
  • Scammer Protection

Requirements and Payment Gateways

Our online dating software is based on PHP and the MySQL database, runs on Linux based servers and supports Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer/Edge browsers that run on PC’s as well as MAC’s. More information is available via our FAQ page relating to server requirements.

A number of payment gateways are available inside the dating software. For more information on what is available please check the FAQ page.

Dating Software Comparison

Design and Development

Complete your site with your own graphics to create and promote your unique brand or unique selling point within the competitive online dating business. To have a custom graphic template designed for your site or if you require development of unique features please Contact Us.

Some Dating Software FAQ’s

Does the dating software have what I need?

Yes, it has everything you need to start a professional dating site. The iDateMedia dating software is used on more top niche market dating sites than any other application.

Can I run a free or paid dating site?

Yes, you can make the dating site free or paid. You can even run free trials within the dating software. These functions and more are in the admin settings.

How many templates does this software come with?

The iDateMedia dating software comes with a fully responsive template with the ability to swap the images, text, title, logo and make it your own.

Does it have an affiliate module?

Yes the dating software has its own 1 tier affiliate system built into it. This is great for letting others promote your dating site.