Master These 5 Dating Site Marketing Tips

It’s no surprise that there are a lot of dating sites out there but what most people don’t know is that there is more demand for niche marketing dating sites or dating sites designed for specific types of people’s likes and hobbies. If you’re looking to start a dating site or have a dating site and want to push it to the masses then check out these 5 dating site marketing tips that you will want to use and master.

1. Use Social Media Religiously Daily

If you’re not using Twitter to market your niche market dating site then you’re missing out on tons of free dating site traffic.

Social sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and others are free to use. With Twitter you simply start following people related to your niche. For example, if your dating site is geared towards Harley Motorcycles then go to Twitter and do a search for “Harley motorcycles” and then start following those people. Find a very large “Motorcycle” type account and follow them then follow their followers. You’ll start building your brand by doing just that.

Dating Site Marketing Tips Mastered

With Twitter you do need to be careful. Don’t follow too many accounts in one day or they will limit your account. I think the latest numbers were around 200 per day. So keep it under that and do it throughout the day so as not to be considered spamming.

The other thing with Twitter you will want to do is Tweet every day if you can. Tweet something about your market. If it’s about motorcycles then your Tweets should reflect that and link back to your site in the Tweet and don’t forget to add hashtags (#) in the bottom. For example add #motorcycle or #harley at the bottom. These are search terms so when people do a search for say #motorcycle then you could come up in those results. This is a tip you need to master and since it’s free, get on it!

Do the same thing on Instagram as well as other sites like LinkedIn, Mix, Pinterest, Medium and others.

2. Write Niche Dating Site Articles

This is another critical step. You don’t need to write articles every day but it would be good if you did. At the very least about once per week but do it. Google loves fresh new content so be sure you’re writing articles and be sure it’s relevant to your dating site.

Write Dating Site Articles

The idea of articles is to show people things. Don’t write articles just to write them. Google wants to see people reading and learning from your articles so don’t just write keyword stuffing articles. Write what you know and try to change people’s lives. The longer people stay on the page the better it is. This is also free to do and cost you nothing.

Don’t stop with just your site, create accounts on well known blogging sites and write articles there like Medium, LinkedIn and others.

3. Become Personable With Your Members

There are tons of dating sites out there but the ones that do well are the ones who have owners that don’t hide behind their domain. To be successful you need to be one with your members and that means not burying your contact details. That also means having an open door policy so that people can contact you.

Dating Site Customer Service

Create a About Us page that shows your photos. If you have a small team then show your team photos. Let your members know that you’re real and that you’re there to help them find a match.

When people email you with questions be sure to answer quickly. People like instant gratification so do it quickly.

Create a FAQ page that shows more details about your site so that it can answer any questions your members might have.

Are you ready to start a dating site?

4. Start Creating YouTube Videos

YouTube is owned by Google and they take videos as part of their ranking algorithm so if you’re posting videos about your site then you’ll do a lot better than those who don’t. Post videos as much as you can and again, be personable.

Dating Site YouTube Videos

Take out your cell phone and start recording. Talk about you and your site and why you created it. Talk about dating tips that your members can use. Talk about upcoming events you might be putting on. Just start recording. Don’t worry about being judged. The internet is good at that but it’s only by people that have issues so don’t worry about what people think. Those people are not your audience.

The key here is to produce videos and embed those videos on some of your dating site pages. Also, when you add your video to YouTube, use keywords that are relevant to your site so if you’re a motorcycle dating site then your video title and description should have those words. For example: “The Only Dating Site For Harley Riders”. Of course that’s only an example.

5. Be Proactive And Knowledgeable

These tips are designed to help you grow your niche market dating site so you must do these things very frequently. You don’t have to every day but it’s good to do it at least once a week. I prefer to post almost daily.

Proactive Dating Site

If there are events in your area of that you can travel to that are relevant then get some business cards and get after it. Business cards are cheap. In fact you can get free ones at VistaPrint so do it.

I speak about dating because I’ve been involved with online dating for over 20 years. It’s the topic that I’m knowledgeable in so if you know motorcycles then talk about it. Write about it, record videos about it and go out there and push your content. The more you do this the more you will be rewarded.

If you’re interested in our dating software please be sure to check out our dating software demo.

For additional dating site marketing tips check out our dating site marketing tips for 2020.

More Dating Site FAQ’s

Can I start any type of site?

Yes you can start any type of dating or social site. It's all up to you but be specific with your niche.

Can I run a dating site by myself?

Yes, if you have the time then you can. It doesn't take much but maybe a few hours a week. The old saying is what if in a year you wish that you had started? Get busy!

Can I make good money with a dating site?

Yes if you focus on it. Treat it like a business and grow it. Get in a good niche that is not too saturated and go after it. The more niche dating sites you have the more money you can make.